Preventing Burnout for Practitioners: Nurturing Mindfulness and Self-Care

As healthcare practitioners where we are deeply committed to serving others, the importance of self-care is ever so important. Jeanne Nangle, executive coach, online educator and award-winning self-help author, offers our readers invaluable insights into navigating burnout prevention. Her wisdom emphasizes the importance of mindfulness and self-compassion.

"First and foremost," Nangle emphasizes, "be mindful of what you think about." Thoughts possess a palpable quality and energy, capable of shaping our emotional landscape. When confronted with stress and overwhelm, acknowledging our feelings becomes key. "If we feel stressed, overwhelmed, and at our limit," she advises, "we think: I’m stressed about this! Breathe. Later, when I have some time, I will think about my options." By honoring our emotions, we grant them the space to evolve and dissipate.

"It’s critical to allow for uncomfortable emotions in stress reduction," Nangle asserts, "otherwise they build and fester." Suppressing or ignoring emotions only serves to exacerbate burnout, entrenching us in a cycle of distress. Instead, she advocates for embracing thoughts that empower us, fostering a mindset conducive to self-care. "It’s OK to be human," she reminds us. "I can and will give myself the time and space to resolve this."

Recognizing the relationship between physical and emotional well-being, Nangle underscores the importance of self-care for practitioners. "If I don’t care for myself, no one wins," she asserts. "I am committed to caring for myself emotionally and physically." This commitment to self-nurturance is not merely a luxury but a necessity for sustainable practice.

As a recommended resource, Nangle extols the virtues of "The Body Keeps the Score" by Bessel van der Kolk, a seminal work on trauma and its impact on the mind-body connection. "It delves into the impact of trauma on the body and mind, offering valuable insights for understanding and addressing burnout," she explains. Additionally, she recommends "The Thought Store," a practical guide to harnessing the power of thought to alleviate stress and enhance well-being. "Every action we take is preceded by a thought!" she exclaims. "So we must think in ways that help us take appropriate action when we’re stressed and overwhelmed."

By cultivating mindfulness, honoring emotions, and prioritizing self-care, we strengthen ourselves against the ravages of burnout and fill our cup to best serve others. As caregivers, it is crucial for us to tend to our own well-being with the same diligence we extend to others. In doing so, we not only safeguard our own wellness but also enhance our capacity to serve those in need.

Featuring: Jeanne Nangle

Jeanne Nangle is a life coach, executive coach, and two-time award-winning author. Jeanne runs her blog: Jeanne Nangle Soul Coach.


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