The Desire for Personalization: Meeting Patient Expectations & Improving Outcomes with Dr. Brandy Zachary

With the growing desire for personalized and transparent healthcare experiences, functional medicine practitioners should adapt their strategies to align with these shifting expectations. Personalizing our approach not only increases client retention and satisfaction, but it also improves patient outcomes. We gathered insights from Dr. Brandy Zachary, DC, IFMCP who sheds light on the importance of embracing personalization and utilizing technology to enhance patient care.

Embracing Patient-Centric Personalization

Dr. Zachary emphasizes the significance of a patient-centric approach in functional medicine. Patients now seek more than just a diagnosis and treatment plan; they desire a healthcare experience that acknowledges their individuality and caters to their unique needs. By embracing personalization, practitioners can foster trust and strengthen the patient-provider relationship. As Dr. Zachary states, "Patients feel heard, understood, and respected when we tailor our interventions to their specific circumstances, lifestyle, and preferences."

Empowering Patients through Personalization

Personalized care, as Dr. Zachary puts it "makes patients active participants in their health journey." When interventions are tailored to each individual, interventions are not only more effective but patients feel heard and empowered. This empowerment leads to improved client retention and outcomes.

Enhancing Patient Engagement with Technology

The integration of tools such as artificial intelligence (AI), wearables, and meal plan platforms can significantly enhance patient engagement and improve outcomes - and save time. AI-assisted analysis of health data can help reveal valuable insights, guiding practitioners in making informed decisions. Real-time data from wearables and surveys provide a comprehensive view of patients' lifestyles, enabling practitioners to fine-tune interventions and optimize treatment plans. Certain meal plan platforms offer the ability for practitioners to customize meals for individual preferences and health goals, promoting better adherence and overall well-being.

For healthcare practitioners who may be apprehensive about embracing technology, Dr. Zachary offers practical advice. She encourages starting small by incorporating simple health-tracking apps or conducting online surveys. Seeking guidance from tech-savvy colleagues and attending workshops can further support practitioners in expanding their digital toolbox. However, Dr. Zachary emphasizes that these tools are meant to complement, not replace, the expertise and human touch of healthcare providers.


In conclusion, personalized care is not just a trend but a fundamental aspect of modern healthcare. By adapting strategies to meet patient expectations and integrating technology, functional medicine practitioners can deliver excellent care, empower patients, foster engagement, and ultimately improve outcomes. As Dr. Zachary asserts, "The integration of technology and personalized care is the future of healthcare," and by embracing this evolution, practitioners can lead the way in revolutionizing patient care.

Featuring: Dr. Brandy Zachary, DC, IFMCP

Founder, The Functional Medicine Academy

Dr. Z is a 5th-gen entrepreneur, award-winning practice owner, and founder of Functional Medicine Academy. With a $0 to $1.8M launch, she transforms health entrepreneurs' strategies. Dr. Z is also the creator of LabDX software, which revolutionizes lab analysis globally.

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